IQ of Einstein and other celebrities

Intelligence quotient of well-known personalities

The question of the IQ of some celebrities can be found all over the internet, and because the topic is as difficult as it is interesting, I have compiled a list of some national and international celebrities and some information about the validity/accuracy of the IQ values.

Many celebrities have achieved a great deal in their lives, but that doesn't mean that they all have an IQ of 130. There are also people who are achievers with a lower IQ. So with an IQ of 80 you can get at least as far in life as some of the celebrities on the list. Some people will be surprised that there are no celebrities with a low IQ on the list. I think this is because the person in question would not publish their IQ. Of course, the media always likes to use an extremely high or extremely low IQ as a headline.

Speaking of the media, it should be said that the IQ of people who have been dead for a long time is not really meaningful, because determining the IQ after death is not really accurate, although it is done by specialists.

You should also be wary of the IQ obtained from different tests, which often use different scales. So there are European or American scales which have different IQ ranges. The scale of an American test often goes well beyond 200, so the IQ of the American iq test taker is often not comparable with that of a European test. On a normal European IQ test, very few people (about 2%) have an IQ above 130. Of course, not all European tests are comparable. So both ways are correct, but you need to know what the IQ test you took means.

Nevertheless, here is a short list of celebrity IQs

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein
Bill Gates July 2014 Bill Gates
Entrepreneur, Founder of Microsoft
Sharon Stone by Gage Skidmore 3 Sharon Stone
Madonna (Berlin Film Festival 2008) Madonna
Shakira2009 Shakira
Arnold Schwarzenegger by Gage Skidmore 4 Arnold Schwarzenegger
Actor, politician
Jodie-Foster20130115 Jodie Foster
George-W-Bush George Bush
Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte
General, dictator and emperor

Sources: Wer ist wie schlau?: Intelligenzleistung berühmter Menschen - Bilder & Fotos - WELT

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